Food Science & BiotechnologyFood Diagnostics Test
Evidence MultiSTAT
  • Evidence MultiSTAT
  • 제조사 :
    Randox Food Diagnostics
  • Catalog Number :
  • CAS Number :

Evidence MultiSTAT

 Biochip Immunoanlayser 

식품 품질 검사 및 성분 분석! 

영국최고의 진단회사인 Randox는 "Biochip Array Technology"로 AOAC 인증 획득 및 세계 진단시장에 획기적인 변화를 불러 일으키고 있습니다.  

The Evidence MultiSTAT is available for use with the customisable InfiniPlex for Milk Array offering one million possible combinations for analysis, delivering fast, accurate analysis of milk with results for the most extensive test menu on the market.

The MultiSTAT is a fully automated immunoanalyser that enables on-site simultaneous detection of contaminants from one raw milk sample. It requires a small sample volume and generates results for 43 compounds in 22 minutes. The analyser is perfect for dairy processors, low throughput labs or farm level testing.



