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Software Solution
What's New in KnowItAll 2025 웨비나 안내 : 스펙트럼 분석의 새로운 차원을 경험하세요!



2025-01-09 ~ 2025-01-09


00:00 ~ 00:30


2024-12-15 ~ 2025-01-09




In today’s fast paced world, access to cutting edge technologies that streamline laboratory workflows and reduce analysis ambiguity is essential.  

Wiley’s KnowItAll software solutions provide a wide range of tools and databases to accelerate spectral identification for Raman, IR, GC-MS, LC-MS, NMR and UV-Vis workflows. Continuously evolving to meet the demands of today’s laboratory, KnowItAll 2025 takes spectral analysis to the next level. 

In this webinar, we will review the latest features and how they can impact your research and analyses.   

Here are some of the highlights* 


Newly added features and datasets: 

  • Automated LC-MS Analysis:  The new LC Expert tool transforms spectral analysis — go from raw chromatogram to component identification with a single click.  

  • Comprehensive LC-MS Libraries:  Users can access up to 5M+ spectra with a variety of data collections available to power their MS/MS analyses.  

  • KnowItAll Data Control:  Integrate access and version control into your workflow to secure shared analytical databases and promote collaboration throughout your organization.  

  • KnowItAll Drug Classification Models:  Use these models to stay ahead of the curve with drugs being synthesized faster than reference spectra can be produced 


Enhancements to existing features: 

  • Streamlined GC-MS workflow:  Automatic GC-MS deconvolution, MS peak picking, and manual analysis are now combined into one unified application 

  • New Raman processing algorithms added:  Fluorescence corrections and cosmic ray removal now available 

  • Additional enhancements:  NMR tools expanded to support X-NMR, expanded peak labelling functionality, easier chemical drawing using pre-defined substituents, and many more. 

*Access to features can vary based on the edition of the software you have and options you have licensed. KnowItAll databases require a subscription.  


This session includes: 

  • Overview of the comprehensive portfolio of analytical tools and data resources available in the KnowItAll software  

  • A live demo of the new features 

Who should attend: 

  • Current KnowItAll users 

  • Those interested in learning about KnowItAll and the latest advances 

About KnowItAll Software 

KnowItAll offers a unified, vendor neutral solution for data processing, analysis, searching, and databasing. KnowItAll 2025 has tools for workflows IR, Raman, GC-MS, LC-MS, NMR and UV-Vis, as well as tools for structure drawing, report publishing, and more. Combined with Wiley’s high-quality spectral reference library databases, it provides an unparalleled solution for fast, reliable spectral analysis. 


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